Join us on a Seoul walking tour through Gangnam along Teheran-ro! Explore the vibrant streets of Seoul as we take you on a virtual tour of one of the city’s most iconic neighborhoods. #seoulmysoul

Gangnam, which means “South of the River” in Korean, is one of the wealthiest districts in Seoul. It is known for its upscale lifestyle, luxury apartments, and high-end shopping areas. Gangnam gained international fame thanks to the viral hit song “Gangnam Style” by PSY, which humorously critiqued the lavish lifestyles of the district. Business Hub: The area is a major business hub, hosting the headquarters of many multinational corporations, IT companies, and financial institutions. Gangnam is renowned for its high-quality education facilities, including private academies (hagwons) and top-performing schools. Apgujeong

Rodeo Street: This street is known for its high-end fashion stores, beauty clinics, and trendy cafes, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists.
Teheran-ro is often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of Korea” due to the high concentration of IT and tech companies, including major firms like Samsung, LG, and Kakao. The street was named after Tehran, the capital of Iran, as part of a cultural exchange between Seoul and Tehran in 1977.

In exchange, a street in Tehran was named “Seoul Street.” Teheran-ro is known for its impressive skyline, lined with numerous high-rise buildings and skyscrapers, making it one of the most prominent business districts in Seoul. In addition to tech companies, Teheran-ro is home to many financial institutions, including banks, investment firms, and venture capital companies.
The area around Teheran-ro offers a vibrant nightlife with a variety of bars, clubs, and restaurants, attracting young professionals and businesspeople. #gangnam #gangnamstyle #teheranro #apgujeong #coexmall #gangnamdistrict #siliconvalley #nightlife

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