With this blog we provide you with impressions from travelling cities and other places in Europe.

We provide pictures and videos from the places we are travelling to. We will also add stories from our journeys, with some helpful advices here and there.

You can also find more media posts on our Instagram and YouTube accounts.

The first location on our trip we talk about will be Paris. This was our first (but for sure not the last) trip to the most visited city in the world and it was quite fascinating.

For Paris we will create several posts with lot of impressions which – and many more – can also be found on our Instagram. We hadn’t had the chance to make a lot of videos there, but the most pictures are showing how beautiful Paris is.

Another location on our trip was Switzerland, which will also make several posts with pictures and information.

We travel with an electric vehicle (EV), which means we also have the opportunity to show how good (or bad) this way of travelling really is. We will keep the stories separated to avoid readers getting bored on those subjects.

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