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Tag: heidelberg

Heidelberg Castle Park Walk, Germany Video

Heidelberg castle is one of the most famous tourist attraction in Germany. More than 1 million tourists visit the ruin every year.

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  • 00:00 Welcome to the park
  • 03:18 Father Rhine
  • 04:03 Musengaul
  • 05:16 Goethe Memorial
  • 06:56 Path to the Scheffelterrace
  • 07:53 View over Heidelberg
  • 08:27 Scheffel Memorial
  • 09:51 Main Terrace of the former Hortus Palatinus
  • 12:54 Pulverturm, Gesprengter Turm
  • 14:17 Elisabethentor
  • 16:02 Ottheinrichsbau
  • 16:12 Dicker Turm
  • 16:29 View over Heidelberg

heidelberg castle view walking 4k

Walking in Heidelberg Old Town, Germany

Walking through the beautiful old town of Heidelberg. Please like this video and subscribe the channel for more videos.

We apologize for the shaky video in the beginning and hop you enjoy the video.

Chapter marks:

  • 4:56 – Kurpfälzisches Museum
  • 5:54 – Theater Street
  • 7:17 – Zimmertheater
  • 7:55 – Käthe Wohlfahrt Christmas decorations
  • 11:18 – Jesuit Church
  • 13:42 – Church of Holy Spirit (Heiliggeistkirche)
  • 16:32 – Market Square
  • 16:50 – Hercules Fountain (Herkulesbrunnen)
  • 20:51 – Old Bridge or Karl-Theodor-Bridge
  • 21:17 – Old Bridge view over Neckar and Heidelberg Castle
  • 21:51 – Bridge Gate
  • 24:59 – Palais Boisserée
  • 25:12 – Karlsplatz
  • 25:27 – Sebastian Münster Fountain
  • 27:49 – Former location of Eselspfadturm
  • 32:44 – Heidelberg Prison
  • 39:58 – University Square (Universitätsplatz)
  • 40:09 – Käthe Wohlfahrt window shopping

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Heidelberg Walking 4k Old Town

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